Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 36: Specialty Shoes

February 19, 2011:  The other day at Crossfit, the owner/coach asked me when I was going to get some weightlifting shoes.  It made me laugh a little because I have so many specialty shoes. I have shoes for just about every track event (spring spikes, middle distance spikes, long jump shoes, high jump shoes, shot put shoes, javelin shoes and trainers) and when I was "into" spinning some 6 or so years ago I bought cycling shoes as well.  Well, I guess I will be adding weightlifting shoes to the collection.  The good news is, there is apparently a competition coming up in DC in April and the owner says that I should think about competing.  He's good at making me feel like I'm doing something right.  This will be the perfect motivation to keep at it.  Hopefully some time in April I can post pics with 150lbs over my head :)

Day 35: Newseum

February 18, 2011:  Today was a first field trip of the year.  For any grade.  Luckily, it was for 6th grade.  We went to the Newseum which is a pretty cool museum and the kids enjoy getting out of the building.  It was also 70 degrees today.  So we really lucked out.  Here's a pic of the 9-11 exhibit.  If you haven't been to the Newseum, I think it's worth the trip.

Day 34: Cat Daddy

February 17, 2011:  Today was the Valentine's Day Dance for the kiddos.  They seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit.  Middle school dances are still quite awkward but much more appropriate than the ones I remember.  Here's one of the students doing Cat Daddy (or is it the dougie??) Oh, btw, I tried to play with editing tools for this one. 

Day 33: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

February 16, 2011:  Here's another landmark I pass everyday en route to work.  I've yet to go inside but I've heard it's pretty fabulous.  I think I will put it on my summer to do list.  Caught another red light and got this pic. Hooray red lights.

Day 32: Capitol

February 15, 2011:  My drive from work to crossfit passes along North Capitol with a pretty view of the Capitol.  I try almost every time to get a picture, but seeing how I'm driving and all it's 1) not very smart of me and 2) always a crappy shot.  Well today I got stopped at a stop light and tried again.  Not the best either but after many a tries, this will do.

Day 31: Valentine's Day

February 14, 2011: Happy Valentine's Day.  Every day during the past week has seemed to just run together.  I wasn't my most pleasant self today because of it.  But Thugs still loves me.  And I love him as well.  Hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day.

Day 30: Beads

February 13, 2011:  I have lots of necklaces despite rarely wearing a necklace.  I don't know.  Don' t ask.  Either way, here's the newest addition.