Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 29: TFA Kool-Aid

February 12, 2011:  I drank some TFA kool-aid today.  Today was the TFA summit in DC and it was busy.  Long day but inspiring.  Got to see some folks and catch up and be inspired by people who care about the future of our youth and their education.  I tried to take pics of the event but I clearly need to learn how to use my camera better because every single picture blurred.  Lame.  So there's my name badge.  Because that's the best picture I have. Boooo.


  1. I bet you were overcome by emotion, like I would have been were I a TFA alum ... But really, why don't people in the workroom understand my sarcasm.

  2. Lol. I was near tears. I had to keep batting my eyes to keep them from falling. Ha - I almost fell out of my chair this morning when you said you were emotional.
