Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 36: Specialty Shoes

February 19, 2011:  The other day at Crossfit, the owner/coach asked me when I was going to get some weightlifting shoes.  It made me laugh a little because I have so many specialty shoes. I have shoes for just about every track event (spring spikes, middle distance spikes, long jump shoes, high jump shoes, shot put shoes, javelin shoes and trainers) and when I was "into" spinning some 6 or so years ago I bought cycling shoes as well.  Well, I guess I will be adding weightlifting shoes to the collection.  The good news is, there is apparently a competition coming up in DC in April and the owner says that I should think about competing.  He's good at making me feel like I'm doing something right.  This will be the perfect motivation to keep at it.  Hopefully some time in April I can post pics with 150lbs over my head :)

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