Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10: Iron(wo)man

January 24, 2011:  So, when I was growing up, my folks used to give me a Timex Ironman for Christmas each year. It started when I was young - maybe 8 or 9 years old?   No joke, I remember the first indiglo Timex Ironman (it was sooo cool).  Not sure why they started it in the first place but I always looked forward to the gift.  It was always placed in the stocking and I could pretty much count on a new one being there each year.  I  heart this watch despite it not being the most attractive watch in the world.  As a kid, I would time races at the track meet with the watch, as teen timed my "long" runs around the neighborhood and as a college kid, I'd time the 400 repeats on those wonderful Wednesday before Thanksgiving 6am workouts.  I've tried wearing a more "professional" and "adult" watch but this one just suites me best. Either way, the forced fit way to make today's picture represent my day - today I was an ironwoman when i graded all of the tests my students took today.  Ta da!

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