Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5: Full Moon Blues

January 19, 2011: Is that not the worst picture you have ever seen?  The full moon was so pretty tonight and I decided it was perfect for my photo today. I first spotted  it on the start of my drive home when it was much fuller and closer.  When I got back to my place it was much more distant but still very pretty.  And I had already determined that it would be the subject of today's photo.  And so there it is.  Crappy moon picture. It's just awful, but in many ways a good representation of day.  I took several other pictures after crappy moon picture. I tried desperately to find something that would be better to post.  And all the pictures I took afterward were indeed much better than this one.  And as I was looking through the pictures of the day I toyed with putting up a better pick.  But when it came down to it, this one best sums up my day. Crappy moon picture.

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