Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2: Dodger Gnome

January 16, 2011:  So to backtrack a little bit.  I decided to make resolutions for new years.  One of them was to take a picture everyday for the year.  It was an idea I came upon while perusing the internet and it seemed like a cool thing to do.  Plus, I got a camera for Christmas and I'm determined to use it.  Fast forward.  It's January 16th and I haven't even tried to keep up the goal.  Oops.  Either way, I had a couple pictures from our Philly trip so I picked the one I liked best.  Today, while looking at the pictures, I remembered about my little goal and thought that I better take a picture of something today so I can officially get it started.  And so, the dodger gnome.  The gnome was another gift for Christmas.  It currently sits on my TV stand with Aloha Obama.  Seeing how much of my day was spent on the couch doing nothing, I thought I'd take a picture of the dodger gnome that watched me do nothing today.  And so there's the story for today's picture.  And here's to 363 more pictures to come. (Fingers crossed).

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