Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9: Three Blue iPods

January 23, 2011: I was going to upload a different picture when I saw all of my ipods sitting together plugged into my computer.  It seems that Apple is where all my money has gone in the past couple of years - if you look closely in the background you can even see the MacBook they made me buy.  Funny thing is, I'm not a music buff at all.  I rarely listen to the music on the radio (more of a sports talk gal; the kids keep me somewhat current in the latest radio happenings) and I'm not hip to any music scene (other than random top 40 type love songs of the 80s and 90s). Anyway, to all you lurkers out there, what's on your ipod?  What do you suggest I put on mine?

1 comment:

  1. ASIAN BOY BANDS ROCK! Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK)..FCUZ...CN Blue...Super Junior...2AM...2PM. Need more suggestions?
