Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11: P-R-rah

January 25, 2011:  Some of you may know that I started Crossfit this calendar year.  While I was home in LA for Christmas, I was on the internet looking for something athletic to do.  My brother, mom and myself are having a "fat off" of sorts, for lil homie K's graduation this year and I thought, maybe it was time to try and find a new activity so I could win the fat off.  Anyway, I ended up googling boxing gyms because secretly I want to be thug enough to feel like I could whoop someone's ass.  While looking up some of the gyms in the DC area, I came across Crossfit.  I never heard of it, but I googled around and found a gym with a boot camp/teach you how to do it class that worked with my schedule.  So I signed up and have been crossfitting 3 times a week since the start of the year.  For those of you that don't know, Crossfit is a mix of Olympic lifting, body weight exercises, and gymnastics with some cardio in the mix.  Either way, this week is the last week of the "bootcamp" classes so we are re-doing some of the work outs we did in the first week.  Today we did a 1/2 Cindy which is 5 jump pull ups (eventually I'll be able to do real pull ups), 10 push ups and 15 body weight squats for as many rounds as you can complete in 10 minutes. (The full Cindy goes for 20 minutes - we are not there yet - but some day).  So week 1 - I got 5 rounds and was GASSED.  Huffing and puffing and basically thought I'd go throw up somewhere (yes, this is how out of shape I was).  Today, I got through 8+ rounds and think that if I did it again tomorrow, I could get more.  The picture above is my assortment of exercise items at my apartment - not the Crossfit gym but it still represents the p.r.  (personal record).   It's been a long (really, really long) time since I've had a p.r. (mostly because what the hell could I p.r. in recently - hours spent on the couch watching tv?)

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