Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12: Snow Cluster F*ck

January 26, 2011:    The federal government decided to dismiss people from work 2 hours early at 3pm, right into the thick of the two inches per hour snowfall that hit the metro area.  And because most companies look to the feds for guidance, much of the private and public sectors did the same.  The result - the biggest clusterf*ck ever.  Our school decided to let out at 4pm.  FAIL by my school.  Luckily, it only took me about 2 hours to get to my place (the drive usually takes about 25 minutes).  These are two pictures from my commute today.  I left around 4:10ish and arrived home at 6:10ish.  As you can see it was light when I left and got dark quickly somewhere in the middle.  I was able to snap pictures since we were crawling the whole way.  When I got home I thought my commute was bad.  Then I started hearing from some of my co-workers.  Many of my co-workers had 5-6 hour long commutes.  Really.  FIVE to SIX HOUR commutes.  They were essentially trapped by untreated roads, poor visibility, car accidents and abandoned cars.  Sheer craziness. And even worse, some of them got home to no power after their hellish commutes.  What. a. day. 

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