Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 15: Fight Gone Bad

January 29, 2011:  Hey, hey! Lucky you gets another picture of me!  It's the only picture I took today.  I had intended to go out after this picture.  In fact, I'm all dressed up to hit the town.  Next thing I know, I'm out on my couch.  I blame it all on "Fight Gone Bad", today's crossfit work out.  It was the last of the bootcamp class and they wanted to prove to us that we were ready for "real" cross fit.  It kicked my butt pretty good. The workout was 17 minutes long - 1:00 min rowing machine, 1:00min wall ball, 1:00 min sumo stance high pull, 1:00 min box jumps, 1:00 min push press, 1:00 min rest and then repeat two more times.  Any way, I survived (barely) and am ready to fork over some more hard earned money to Cross fit for the next couple of months. 

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